Ondrej POništiak ořez-min

Ondrej Poništiak has joined the ranks of partners of bpv BRAUN PARTNERS

JUDr. Ondrej Poništiak, Ph.D. has become a new partner of bpv BRAUN PARTNERS with effect from 1 January 2023. Ondrej has been with bpv BRAUN PARTNERS since 2013 and is a lawyer of many skills – in addition to studying law in Prague and Zurich, he studied mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics; he enjoys sports, dancing and playing the violin and works not only in his native Slovak, but also in Czech, English and German.

Ondrej specializes in mergers and acquisitions, competition, corporate and commercial law, with special focus on the start-up and fintech scene. During his almost ten years at bpv BRAUN PARTNERS, he has advised dozens of clients, often in complex corporate or cross-border restructurings. He is recommended as a dispute resolution expert by the prestigious international rating company Legal500. Ondrej is a member of the Czech Bar Association.

“Ondrej is not only a fantastic lawyer with a very systematic working style, but also an expert in the world of IT and FinTech. We appreciate him not only for his tremendous work commitment, but also for his proactive approach in the further development of the firm. We are confident that he will have many future successes in his new role and will help to further grow the firm,” commented Arthur Braun, Managing Partner of bpv BRAUN PARTNERS, on the appointment.

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