Experienced team of bpv BRAUN PARTNERS professionals

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JUDr. Robert Matas


Corporate and commercial law
Pojistné právo
Dispute resolution, arbitration, mediation
Foreign investment control and foreign trade
Competition law
Criminal law and prevention of criminal conduct of legal persons
Intellectual property law
Family law
Real estate and construction law
Insurance law
EU law

Full profile
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Mgr. Martin Cír

Managing Associate

Dispute resolution, arbitration, mediation
Insolvency, restructuring and preventive restructuring
Criminal law and prevention of criminal conduct of legal persons
Corporate and commercial law

Full profile
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Mgr. Adam Stawaritsch

Senior Associate

Dispute resolution, arbitration, mediation
Family law
Insolvency, restructuring and preventive restructuring
Corporate and commercial law
Criminal law and prevention of criminal conduct of legal persons

Full profile
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Mgr. Jan Bunganič

Senior Associate

Dispute resolution and arbitration
Corporate and commercial law
Insolvency, restructuring and preventive restructuring
Family law
Criminal law and prevention of criminal conduct of legal persons

Full profile

Cynthia Sturmfels, LL.M.

Rechtsanwältin (DE)

Competition law
EU law
Criminal law and prevention of criminal conduct of legal persons

Full profile

Kryštof Miksa


Corporate and commercial law
Labour law
German law
Criminal law and prevention of criminal conduct of legal persons

Full profile