

Announcement of auctions for operational support of electricity production from RES

16. 12. 2024 | bpv BRAUN PARTNERS

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has announced a call for bids in the auction for operating support for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources for modernised power plants using biogas energy with an installed capacity of the power plant after modernisation of 1 MW and above.

12. 12. 2024 | bpv BRAUN PARTNERS


As promised, we are providing you with up-to-date information on the discussion of the amendment to Act No. 458/2000 Coll., on the conditions of business and the exercise of state administration in the energy sectors and on amendments to certain acts, known as LEX RES III.

11. 12. 2024 | bpv BRAUN PARTNERS

Significant changes in taxes and accounting from 1.1.2025

Important changes in the field of taxation and accounting await us in the Czech Republic from January. Read our new bpv newsletter with a specific summary of the legislative changes.

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3. 12. 2024 | bpv BRAUN PARTNERS

Allowance for child’s sports activity according to the amendment to Act No. 324/2024 Coll.

The provision of an allowance for an employee’s child’s sporting activity has until now been a voluntary benefit provided by the employer. From 01.01.2025, employers who employ more than 49 employees are obliged to provide this contribution if the employee requests it.

8. 11. 2024

The state is about to introduce new rules for overcompensation for POZE

The proposal affects the entire energy sector, but it specifically changes the status of electricity generation plants from renewable energy sources put into operation between 1 January 2006 and 31 December 2015, as it also contains a comprehensive proposal for changes to be made to Act No 165/2012 Coll. on Supported Energy Sources.

Press Releases
10. 10. 2024 | bpv BRAUN PARTNERS

bpv BRAUN PARTNERS advised investment fund CREDITAS ASSETS on the sale of battery projects in the UK

We have provided comprehensive legal advice to domestic investment fund CREDITAS ASSETS on the sale of UK energy company Green Bess Developments developing large-capacity battery storage facilities.


Changes in Czech Labour Law

On 1 August 2024, Act No. 230/2024 Coll. came into force (in part).This Act not only amended the Labour Code, but also amended Act No. 251/2005 Coll., on Labour Inspection and Act No. 2/1991 Coll., on Collective Bargaining.

Press Releases
2. 10. 2024

bpv BRAUN PARTNERS welcomes attorney Mgr. František Čech to its Prague team

František Čech is a new attorney joining our Prague office since October.

23. 9. 2024 | bpv BRAUN PARTNERS

Amendment to the Insolvency Act

In July this year, the long-awaited major amendment to the Insolvency Act was approved. The final version of the law will come into force on 01.10.2024.

11. 9. 2024 | bpv BRAUN PARTNERS

Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on General Product Safety

Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2023/988 o obecné bezpečnosti výrobků, o změně nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) č. 1025/2012 a směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2020/1828 a o zrušení směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2001/95/ES a směrnice Rady 87/357/EHS (dále jen „Nařízení“), stanovuje požadavky na bezpečnost výrobků a z toho plynoucí povinnosti a odpovědnost hospodářských subjektů.

9. 8. 2024 | bpv BRAUN PARTNERS

Arthur Braun recognized in Who’s Who Legal again for 2024

We are pleased to announce that Arthur Braun has been recommended again by WWL and is ranked among the top nine competition lawyers in the Czech Republic for 2024!

19. 7. 2024 | bpv BRAUN PARTNERS

Another step by the government toward the creation of acceleration zones

The draft law, which is to enable the creation of acceleration zones, which we informed you about some time ago here, is heading to the inter-ministerial comment procedure. In early July, a paragraphed version of the government’s draft law on the acceleration of the use of renewable energy sources was published[1] (“RESZ”), which you can read here. Inter-ministerial comment procedure shall be accomplished on July 31st, at the latest.

8. 7. 2024 | bpv BRAUN PARTNERS

The Slovak Republic: New Consumer Protection Act

On 01.07.2024, Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts came into force.