Applications for this subsidy will be accepted from 28 June 2024 to 31 October 2025.
Key aspects of the subsidy call:
Support can be granted to projects implemented outside NUTS 2 CZ01 (Prague region) that will be completed by 30 November 2027 at the latest.
Martin Provazník sa podrobnejšie venuje pomerne kurióznemu súdnemu prípadu, ktorý nedávno prebehol médiami a nemal by nikoho nechať chladným, najmä tých, ktorí radi odpovedajú emotikonmi 👍 O čo vlastne išlo?
On October 6, 2022 the European Council issued Regulation (EU) 2022/1854 stipulating the framework for a levy on excessive revenues from electricity sales. The individual member states are to determine the details regarding the Levy, including its final amount and the conditions under which it will apply to electricity.
Arthur Braun: "This is a matter of survival for law firms. They will become more digital, or they will disappear."