
Public support for electricity and production

15. 1. 2025



As we informed you at the end of last year, the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) has announced a call for bids in the auction for operating support for electricity production from renewable energy sources for modernised power plants using biogas energy with an installed capacity of the power plant after modernisation of 1 MW and above.

In addition to this call, on 18 December 2024 the MIT announced another call for operational support for the production of electricity from high-efficiency combined heat and power with a capacity of over 1 MW. The deadline for submission of bids was opened on 13 January 2025 and the receipt of bids will be closed on 17 March 2025 for the following categories of plants and to the extent indicated:

  • electricity generation plants from high-efficiency combined heat and power production with an installed electrical capacity exceeding 1 MW;
  • total value of the competing installed electrical capacity: 13,12 MWe;
  • maximum reference auction price: 4 190 CZK/MWh;
  • the required amount of the financial security for participation in the auction, which the bidder will prove by submitting a bank guarantee, is:
    – a total of CZK 300 000/MWe of the installed electrical capacity of the electricity generation plant specified in the bidder’s offer;
    – the deadline for proving the first part of the financial security in the amount of CZK 150,000/MWe is set until the deadline for submission of the offer, i.e. until 17 March 2025;
  • the requirements for electricity generating plants:
    – all requirements and rules arising from the RES Act and related legislation, as they apply to the electricity generating plants in question under the RES Act.

The support can be granted to power plants that will be put into operation or upgraded by 31 December 2029 at the latest.

The full text in Czech language of the call can be found here.

At the end of last year, the MIT, within the framework of the Operational Program Technology and Applications for Competitiveness (OP TAC), i.e. from European funds, also announced a call for applications for subsidies to support biomass energy production with an allocation of CZK 500 million. The acceptance of applications for the subsidy started on 9 January 2025 and applications can be submitted up to 1 year from this date.

The call is primarily intended to help companies increase the efficient use of renewable energy from biomass and reduce the consumption of primary energy sources. It supports:

  • the construction of biomass heat sources and the distribution of heat through heat distribution systems to the point of consumption;
  • construction of combined heat and power sources from biomass and heat extraction through heat distribution systems to the point of consumption;
  • heat extraction from existing electricity generation plants (biogas plants) using biogas in the biogas plant to produce electricity and heat through heat distribution equipment to the point of consumption.

The call applies to both small and medium-sized enterprises and large ones, the level of support is differentiated according to the size of the enterprise and the type of project.

The full text of the call in the Czech language, including annexes, can be found here.

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