As of 1 April 2023 there is an important change for employers in the registration of new and existing employees with temporary protection and in uninsured activities in the CSSA (Czech Social Security Administration, ČSSZ) register.
The amendment includes the following changes:
(a) Registration of uninsured persons with temporary protection:
(b) Deadline for registration of new employees
(c) Transitional provisions – existing employees, employers
Martin Provazník sa podrobnejšie venuje pomerne kurióznemu súdnemu prípadu, ktorý nedávno prebehol médiami a nemal by nikoho nechať chladným, najmä tých, ktorí radi odpovedajú emotikonmi 👍 O čo vlastne išlo?
Martin Provazník takes a closer look at a rather curious court case that recently ran through the media and should leave no one cold, especially those who like to respond with emoticons 👍 What was it all about?
Congrats to our Prague team, Arthur Braun, Pavel Březina and Klára Procházková, who have assisted in a multijurisdictional transaction (legal lead: Jones Day Frankfurt) with the Czech legal aspects of automotive supplier MAHLE selling its thermostat business division to ADMETOS.